Mqabba FC

Country Malta Trophies Not available
Founded Players 32
Official page Age avarage 38
Phone Height average -
Email Weight average -

  • Matches/Schedule
  • Players
  • Stats
  • Transfers
  • Venue
Date Competition Home   Visitant See
2023‑01‑14 01h30 FA Trophy 22/23 Sirens 1-0 Mqabba
2022‑11‑16 00h30 FA Trophy 22/23 Mqabba 3-2 Victoria Hotspurs
2021‑12‑08 22h30 FA Trophy 21/22 St. Patrick 3-0 Mqabba
2021‑02‑12 01h00 FA Trophy 20/21 Gzira United 8-0 Mqabba
2020‑12‑16 22h00 FA Trophy 20/21 Mqabba 3-3

(e.t. 5-3)

San Gwann
2019‑11‑30 18h30 FA Trophy 19/20 Mqabba 0-3 Pietà Hotspurs
2019‑10‑28 22h30 FA Trophy 19/20 Dingli Swallows 1-3 Mqabba
2018‑10‑27 19h30 FA Trophy 18/19 Xewkija Tigers 6-1 Mqabba
2017‑12‑02 00h45 FA Trophy 17/18 Mosta 2-1 Mqabba
2017‑10‑22 20h45 FA Trophy 17/18 Mgarr United 0-3 Mqabba
2017‑01‑19 00h45 FA Trophy 16/17 Hamrun Spartans 1-0 Mqabba
2016‑12‑13 20h45 FA Trophy 16/17 Siggiewi 0-2 Mqabba
2016‑10‑23 20h30 FA Trophy 16/17 Msida St. Joseph 0-1 Mqabba
2015‑12‑02 00h00 FA Trophy 15/16 St. George's 1-0 Mqabba
2015‑10‑25 19h30 FA Trophy 15/16 Mqabba 5-3 Victoria Hotspurs
2014‑10‑26 21h45 FA Trophy 14/15 Mqabba 2-3 Senglea Athletic
2013‑11‑24 20h45 FA Trophy 13/14 Pietà Hotspurs 1-0 Mqabba
2013‑10‑27 20h30 FA Trophy 13/14 Xaghra United 0-1 Mqabba
2013‑01‑20 20h30 FA Trophy 12/13 St. Andrews 1-1

(e.t. 4-1)

2012‑12‑02 20h30 FA Trophy 12/13 Zurrieq 1-2 Mqabba
2012‑10‑19 22h30 FA Trophy 12/13 Mqabba 3-0 Kirkop United
2012‑05‑12 00h30 Premier League 11/12 Mqabba 4-1 Hamrun Spartans
2012‑05‑05 00h30 Premier League 11/12 Mqabba 0-1 Qormi
2012‑04‑29 19h30 Premier League 11/12 Marsaxlokk 0-4 Mqabba
2012‑04‑21 21h30 Premier League 11/12 Mosta 2-2 Mqabba
2012‑04‑16 22h30 Premier League 11/12 Mqabba 0-5 Tarxien Rainbows
2012‑04‑10 22h30 Premier League 11/12 Hamrun Spartans 0-0 Mqabba
2012‑04‑03 00h45 Premier League 11/12 Qormi 2-1 Mqabba
2012‑03‑23 22h30 Premier League 11/12 Mqabba 3-0 Marsaxlokk
2012‑03‑19 18h30 Premier League 11/12 Mqabba 1-0 Mosta
Frequently asked questions

The last match of Mqabba was the Sirens vs Mqabba, on 14 January 2023, which ended 1-0, in a win of Sirens.

Currently, the stadium of Mqabba is Zebbug Ground, in the city of Città Rohan, with a maximum capacity of 1000 spectators.