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Varese Padova statistics

Head-to-Head in the last 3 years
Date   Home   Away
2011-06-03 Padova 1-0 Varese
2011-04-30 Varese 0-0 Padova
2010-11-27 Padova 2-3 Varese
[ Show all games ]

Course on Competition

Regular Season
Torino 1-2 Varese
Varese 0-0 Atalanta
Varese 0-0 Empoli
AlbinoLeffe 3-1 Varese
Varese 1-1 Pescara
Frosinone 1-0 Varese
Varese 3-1 Novara
Crotone 1-0 Varese
Varese 1-1 Livorno
Portosummaga 1-1 Varese
Varese 4-0 Triestina
Vicenza 0-1 Varese
Varese 0-0 Cittadella
Grosseto 0-0 Varese
Varese 2-1 Sassuolo
Ascoli 0-0 Varese
Padova 2-3 Varese
Varese 1-0 Reggio Calabria
Modena 0-2 Varese
Varese 1-0 Robur Siena
Piacenza 2-1 Varese
Varese 3-0 Torino
Atalanta 0-0 Varese
Empoli 1-1 Varese
Varese 3-0 AlbinoLeffe
Pescara 1-0 Varese
Varese 3-3 Frosinone
Novara 1-1 Varese
Varese 1-1 Crotone
Livorno 0-0 Varese
Varese 1-0 Portosummaga
Triestina 1-1 Varese
Varese 1-0 Vicenza
Cittadella 2-2 Varese
Varese 3-1 Grosseto
Sassuolo 1-1 Varese
Varese 1-1 Ascoli
Varese 0-0 Padova
Reggio Calabria 1-1 Varese
Varese 3-0 Modena
Robur Siena 5-0 Varese
Varese 1-0 Piacenza
Promotion Play-offs - Semi-finals
Padova 1-0 Varese
Varese 3-3 Padova
Regular Season
Padova 1-1 Novara
Crotone 1-1 Padova
Modena 1-0 Padova
Padova 4-0 Reggio Calabria
Triestina 0-0 Padova
Padova 2-0 AlbinoLeffe
Piacenza 2-2 Padova
Padova 3-0 Grosseto
Robur Siena 2-1 Padova
Padova 2-1 Cittadella
Padova 3-1 Pescara
Atalanta 4-1 Padova
Padova 2-2 Empoli
Portosummaga 1-1 Padova
Padova 3-1 Frosinone
Vicenza 2-1 Padova
Padova 2-3 Varese
Ascoli 1-0 Padova
Padova 1-0 Sassuolo
Padova 1-1 Torino
Novara 1-1 Padova
Padova 1-0 Crotone
Livorno 3-3 Padova
Padova 1-1 Modena
Reggio Calabria 1-1 Padova
Padova 0-1 Triestina
AlbinoLeffe 2-1 Padova
Padova 0-0 Piacenza
Grosseto 3-1 Padova
Padova 0-0 Robur Siena
Cittadella 3-1 Padova
Pescara 0-2 Padova
Padova 1-1 Atalanta
Empoli 2-2 Padova
Padova 3-1 Portosummaga
Frosinone 1-1 Padova
Padova 4-1 Vicenza
Varese 0-0 Padova
Padova 3-1 Ascoli
Sassuolo 0-1 Padova
Padova 3-2 Livorno
Torino 0-2 Padova
Promotion Play-offs - Semi-finals
Padova 1-0 Varese
Varese 3-3 Padova


  • Serie B 2010/2011
  • Last 10 games
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak 2 - -
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak - 2 1
No win... - 12 1
No draw... 2 2 4
No lose... 21 - -
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak 5 2 5
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak - - -
No win... - - -
No draw... 5 2 5
No lose... 8 6 12


  • Serie B 2010/2011
  • Last 10 games
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match 1.57 0.82 1.19
Average goals conceded each match 0.48 1.14 0.81
Average goals scored+conceded 2.05 1.96 2
Clean sheets 62% 27% 44%
Failed to score 19% 41% 30%
Matches Over 2,5 Goals 38% 27% 33%
Matches Under 2,5 Goals 62% 73% 67%
Home Global
Scores first (anytime) 15 in 21 71%
 ⇒ and leads at half-time 10 in 15 67%
 ⇒ and wins the match 11 in 15 73%
Turnarounds 1 in 2 50%
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match 1.86 1.1 1.49
Average goals conceded each match 0.82 1.43 1.12
Average goals scored+conceded 2.68 2.53 2.61
Clean sheets 36% 24% 30%
Failed to score 14% 19% 16%
Matches Over 2,5 Goals 50% 43% 47%
Matches Under 2,5 Goals 50% 57% 53%
Away Global
Scores first (anytime) 7 in 21 33%
 ⇒ and leads at half-time 4 in 7 57%
 ⇒ and wins the match 3 in 7 43%
Turnarounds 0 in 12 0%
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor 6
G.Conc 1
16-30 G.Scor 7
G.Conc 1
31-45 G.Scor 4
G.Conc 2
46-60 G.Scor 7
G.Conc 2
61-75 G.Scor 3
76-90 G.Scor 6
G.Conc 4
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor 1
G.Conc 5
16-30 G.Scor 3
G.Conc 4
31-45 G.Scor 3
G.Conc 6
46-60 G.Scor 4
G.Conc 5
61-75 G.Scor 6
G.Conc 4
76-90 G.Scor 6
G.Conc 6
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time

Correct score

  • Serie B 2010/2011
  • Last 10 games
Varese Home Global
Half time Score
1-0 38% (8)
0-0 29% (6)
1-1 14% (3)
2-0 10% (2)
2-1 5% (1)
0-1 5% (1)
Total 100% (21)
Full time Score
1-0 24% (5)
0-0 19% (4)
1-1 19% (4)
3-0 14% (3)
3-1 10% (2)
3-3 5% (1)
2-1 5% (1)
4-0 5% (1)
Total 100% (21)
Padova Away Global
Half time Score
1-0 29% (6)
0-0 24% (5)
0-1 19% (4)
1-1 14% (3)
2-0 14% (3)
Total 100% (21)
Full time Score
1-1 24% (5)
2-1 14% (3)
0-2 10% (2)
0-0 10% (2)
2-2 10% (2)
3-1 10% (2)
1-0 10% (2)
0-1 5% (1)
3-3 5% (1)
4-1 5% (1)
Total 100% (21)
NOTE: Data only to the date of this game, exclusive!
Frequently asked questions

Varese and Padova have had 3 head-to-heads in the last 3 years for all competitions, which resulted in 1 win for Varese, 1 draw and 1 win for Padova.

This is the first Varese match on our database, so we have no data on the last Varese match. This is the first Padova match in our database, so we have no data on the last Padova match.


Serie B - 2010/2011

  • 100% 470 / 470 Games

  • Home team wins 43.4%
  • Draws 34.68%
  • Away team wins 21.91%
  • Over 1.5 67.87%
  • Over 2.5 41.28%
  • Over 3.5 22.34%
  • Goals 1094
  • Goals /match 2.33
  • Goals /match home 1.37
  • Goals /match away 0.96
  • Both teams score 52.34%
  • Goals after 80' 16.36%
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