After a decision, bookmakers in England allowed their users to bet via WhatsApp. Permission in the UK culminated in a series of confusions, where bookmakers are allowing their customers to bet via WhatsApp, but violating some terms that say: "Businesses may not transact in or facilitate gambling, games of skill, or lotteries, including online casinos, sports books, bingo, or poker if it costs money,"
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According to a UK newspaper, several bookmakers in England have already made their services available on Google. That way, your users can bet on WhatsApp in seconds. However, administrator Duncan Garvie of BetBlocker, a charity in England, reports that he fears that this option could be a way around the exclusion for people who have problems with games.
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In the meantime, the UK has a number of "self-exclusion" programs for gambling and betting addicts. Within these programs, the United Kingdom offers that the data of these people be refused by any bookmaker. However, with the arrival of WhatsApp in the sector, all of this can change, creating new ways to circumvent the situation. The GamStop tool is one of the recent blocking options. When a player signals that he wants to be blocked, the tool automatically blocks the player when he tries to perform an operation.
The UK Gaming Commission confirms that: "all our remote operators must be signed up to GamStop and ensure consumers are legally old enough to gamble". Despite all this, there is still a lot of confusion with the service provided through WhatsApp. The communications platform ends up making the exclusion program more difficult. According to the British newspaper, one of the platforms that is playing games through WhatsApp is McCartan Bet. However, the platform reported that its service is not subscribed to GamStop. Therefore, if any user wants to be blocked, they should contact McCartan itself.
One of the spokesmen for WhatsApp also joined the discussion, saying that: "While WhatsApp offers a way for people to message one another, we do not offer our additional business services to bookmakers. We provide people with easy ways to block any user and encourage users to report problematic accounts to WhatsApp."
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