According to the IBIA, suspicious betting alerts grew in the third quarter of 2020; check details.
Suspicious bets grow in this third quarter of 2020
In early November, the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) reported that suspicious betting alerts grew in the third quarter of 2020. The increase refers to the 52% percentage of suspicious sports betting alerts.
In addition, the entity that governs this matter revealed that there were a total of 76 alerts for this quarter (until September 30). This margin is higher than the alerts suffered in 2019. Last year, 50 alerts were obtained and this year 76. The IBIA said that the alerts suffered an increase of 31% in relation to the last quarter.
Among the sectors that had the most complaints are: football and tennis. Each of the modalities had 25 complaints made. Despite the fact that the activities were interrupted due to the pandemic, the complaints showed a significant growth.
The eSports sector was not left out, receiving 14 complaints. Even table tennis (ping pong) received 7 alerts. Basketball and bowling received two complaints each, and cricket only one.
According to the IBIA, most of the records were made in Europe, with 34 complaints. Russia issued six alerts, Ukraine and Germany four each.
Shortly thereafter, Asia appears with 15 complaints, followed by North America with 12 notifications associated with American tennis. South America presented only one complaint.
Khalid Ali, CEO of IBIA, commented that "As anticipated, there was an increase in suspicious bet alerts with the return of many sports during this quarter." In addition, the CEO reported that "IBIA will continue to work closely with key stakeholders on betting integrity issues and also in related areas such as collecting sports data and resolving customer disputes".
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